Bernard Wolf is an artist. How much does a Bernard Wolf cost? The maker's first piece to be offered at auction was "Imaginary landscape with bridge cross" at Heickmann Auction House in 2019.
Bernard X. Wolff is an artist. How much does a Bernard X. Wolff cost? The artist's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 1,600 USD to 2,800 USD, depending ...
The LVMH chief, whose ruthless approach to acquisitions has earned him the nickname "the wolf in cashmere", is ... "His empire permeates Paris." Bernard Arnault's luxury group, built over four ...
Luxury conglomerate LVMH has passed $500 billion in value, becoming the first European company to ever achieve this milestone. While the average person may not know LVMH, they definitely know the ...