Your posture affects more than your back. It quietly compresses your organs, disrupts digestion, and strains your heart.
People often joke that they feel older than their actual age but imagine if this may actually be true! A new study reveals ...
Human biology is not black and white. Although newborns are typically categorized as male or female at birth based on visible ...
After years of research into xenotransplantation, the field is at a turning point—yet risks and ethical issues remain ...
The organs aged at different rates in different people and even within the body, the researchers write — and those with “fast-aging” organs had an increased risk of 30 of the 45 age-related ...
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking; organs last only so long outside the body. So, sometimes, officials make exceptions: If an organ is at risk of becoming unusable, they ignore the rankings and ...
Diabetes threatens more than just blood sugar levels - discover the major body systems at risk and how to recognize warning ...
Engineers enhanced liquid nanofoam technology, originally used in football helmets, to protect internal organs from traumatic ...