The seventh installment in the iconic horror franchise Scream has added Gen V and The Boys star Asa Germann to its growing new cast. The star is the latest to join the upcoming sequel, as ...
The film also does not yet have an official synopsis. However, alongside Asa Germann and Neve Campbell, the sequel will also feature Isabel May as Sidney Prescott’s daughter and Celeste O ...
THR reports that Mason Gooding will reprise his role as Chad Meeks-Martin alongside Neve Campbell and new cast members Isabel ...
But I’m not giving the audience homework.” Maddie Phillips (Cate) and Asa Germann (Sam) will be living large as the Guardians of Godolkin, so expect Cate to be even more insufferable while Sam ...
News of the Love, Victor alums big return comes following the additions of names including Asa Germann (Gen V), McKenna Grace (Ghostbusters franchise), Celeste O'Connor (Madame Web), and Isabel ...
She joins the previously announced Neve Campbell, who will be reprising her role from the franchise, as well as new cast members Isabel May, Celeste O’Connor and Asa Germann. Original creator ...
Courteney Cox has circled a return for “Scream 7,” but has still not officially signed to play Gale Weathers again yet. New cast members will include Isabel May as the daughter of Neve Campbell’s ...
Cox joins also joins a cast which includes Neve Campbell (who is also returning as Sidney Prescott) and new cast members Isabel May, Celeste O’Connor, Asa Germann, Mckenna Grace, Sam Rechner and ...
Actor Mason Gooding, who played Chad Meeks-Martin in ‘Scream’ and ‘Scream VI’, is all set to reprise the role in ‘Scream 7’.