Dear Eric: I have a lovely hairstylist who has colored and cut my hair for many years. Up until recently I’ve been satisfied ...
My elder sister is a retired career U.S. Army nurse, having reached the rank of lieutenant colonel. This status has led her ...
One time she mentioned that two of her friends were angry with her because she canceled a lunch date at the last minute. I ...
He's kicked her and the children out twice saying she's not doing enough with her part-time job and constant housework.
Letter writer isn’t a “square” but still feels judgmental about loved ones’ use of drugs.
I have a friend of about 10 years. We see each other three to four times a month. Frequently this is for a dog walk in a park ...
Dear Sister: You’ve already saved the date and made tentative plans, so there’s nothing stopping you and your other sister ...
Dear Wants Out: Knowing what you should do and having the wherewithal to do it are two separate things, so don’t be too hard ...
Dear Eric: I told my husband I was done in our marriage during a marriage-counseling session close to nine months ago. This was our second round of marriage counseling. I have also done some ...
Dear Eric: My son, who is 31, still lives at home. He is a great person and is not antisocial. He has a job that doesn’t pay ...
Dear Eric: My son, who is 31, still lives at home. He is a great person and is not antisocial. He has a job that doesn’t pay much. I want him to start his own life. I push him to get a better job so ...