Compared to this point in Trump’s last term, Yale has been quieter about threats to its international students and scholars.
The Yale College Council, which administered the referendum, will now send Yale president Maurie McInnis ... Well over one-third of the student body voted “yes” on all three resolutions ...
Beginning with religion, Mr. Buckley asserts that Yale has a weak department of religion, a high degree of apathy in the student body ... to be that because ex-President Seymour once said he ...
As the Board of Trustees met for the second time this year, the Sumud Coalition held an 80-person protest on Beinecke Plaza.
“Jack’s contributions to Yale are immeasurable,” the president wrote in a message to members of ... “During a period of historic growth, our campus has increased the undergraduate student body by over ...
Their decision is expected over the next couple of weeks, before the end of the month.
An 18-year-old New Tech Odessa senior, Rodriguez took early admission to Yale University ... he'd like to give a presentation for the student body as well as a way to encourage them.