The anime series will adapt the storyline of ‘Ghost of Tsushima: Legends’, the 2020 co-operative multiplayer follow-up to the ...
Benegal's vast cinematic canvas encompasses a rich diversity of subjects that move across time, history and geographic ...
From Japanese samurai flicks to gritty war movies, the visual language and tonal atmosphere of Star Wars is rooted in decades ...
If ever there was a moment that captured the essence of an actor, it's Steven Seagal trying to shoot a scene and ending up showered in crap.
In the 1934 pre-Code World War I film The Lost Patrol, Ford allows us to experience a precursor to his evolving artistic ...
Make a cinema or a couch date with a freshly minted Golden Globe-winner — here's what you can watch right away, and where.
After 20 performances in two years, the play is headed for the 24th edition of the National School of Drama’s upcoming Bharat ...
Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche get cozy in the Criterion Closet, selecting films from Jim Jarmusch, Federico Fellini, ...
Several great titles can enter the discussion if we are talking about games that feature some of the best sword combat.
Stanley Kubrick is the director of 'Eyes Wide Shut' featuring Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, the voice of Cate Blanchett, Alan Cumming and Sydney ...
Never obvious or predictable, Stray Dog is an intriguing blend of film noir traditions and straight ahead police action drama that follows the exploits of rookie detective Murakami (Toshiro Mifune), ...
The sudden onset of dementia can require major changes in one's retirement plans, including the possible need to surrender ...