The central Huambo province will host on February 21the Forum of Opportunities and Investments along the Lobito Corridor.
A total of 117 people died out of 3,543 reported cases of cholera in Angola since the beginning of January.Angolan health ...
Luanda: Angola has recorded 3,402 cholera cases and 114 deaths since the outbreak began in early January, according to the ...
Bairro Paraíso is the epicenter of the cholera outbreak that has plagued Angola since the first confirmed case on 7 January ...
Angola has recorded 3,402 cholera cases and 114 deaths since the outbreak began in early January, according to the Health ...
Angola is currently facing an outbreak affecting the provinces ... it is urgent to implement effective measures to contain ...
So, when Morais heard about an oral cholera vaccination campaign as part of Angola’s efforts to step up outbreak control, he was first in line to receive a vaccine. “I feel relieved, as I know that ...
Toyo Engineering Corp. will license its proprietary urea technology for Amufert S.A.'s 4,000-tpd urea plant to be built in the Soyo region of the Republic of Angola.
WWF scientists have helped identify six areas in KAZA that are critical to the movement of wildlife across national borders, focusing on three corridors where wildlife populations and their habitats ...
Angola has, so far, a cumulative of 2,886 confirmed cases of cholera in the provinces of Bengo, Icolo and Bengo, Cuanza-Norte, Cuanza-Sul, Cunene, Huambo, Huíla, Luanda, Malanje and Zaire.According to ...
Investments by UAE developers in Africa's property sector are expected to rise in the coming years as the continent's economy grows and its population surges, according to experts. Dubai-listed ...
Population projections from the UN ... about how quickly fertility rates will decline across the continent: In Angola, for example, the UN expects that each woman will bear more than 2.5 children ...