The way the box office operates in the Telugu film industry, a first day of Rs. 100 crore plus has kind of become a must for a big-budgeted, big-star film, which Game Changer has fallen well short.
The increasing capabilities of generative AI systems were all the rage at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas this year, but for all the enthusiasm from the tech world, there is still ...
While recent films have brought the debate to the forefront, singing along to musical films is a practice nearly as old as ...
For the last decade or so, it has sometimes seemed as if Hollywood has lost its grandest ambition—not merely to entertain, ...
The news that the Aperture Cinema was struggling for its survival prompted an immediate response from the community.Donors ...
Even when filmmakers make most of their jokes land, comedies tend to be very topical and context-specific, meaning that a lot ...