The Bombay high court on Wednesday granted bail to an associate of gangster Vijay Palande, citing his prolonged incarceration in connection with the alleged murder of Delhi businessman Arun Kumar Tikk ...
Wesley Lyons, 35, was found guilty Wednesday for injuring a man at the Harford Bouncy Place inside of Harford Mall back in ...
A trial date has been set for the former Grand Rapids police officer who fatally shot Patrick Lyoya nearly three years ago.
Prosecutors accused Antwan Franklin of being the “mastermind" behind a plan to rob and kill Du'Vonta Lampkin in his Downtown Dallas Airbnb in May 2022.
Ahead of his trial on charges of murder-for-hire, embattled rapper Lil Durk has been linked to the fatal 2022 shooting of an ...
At the University of Mississippi on Thursday, news of a mistrial in the highly anticipated Jimmie “Jay” Lee murder case is ...
Deliberations began Thursday in a trial for a Tyler man accused in the robbery and death of a military veteran.
The jury in Jordan Brown's civil trial ruled in favor of the four former state troopers he sued after he was charged with ...
Testimony resumed Thursday in the Celeste Owens murder trial. Owens is charged with murdering her partner's eight-year-old ...
According to prosecutor Alan Mizrahi, Jerry Burns agreed to pay $50,000 to his mistress, Amanda Love, to hire someone to ...
An Indianapolis man was convicted on two counts of murder and robbery resulting in bodily injury, the Marion County Prosecutor's Office said.
Share Federal prosecutors revelealed Thursday that Chicago rapper Lil Durk has been suspected of paying gunmen to kill a gang ...