Fear thrives when I avoid looking at it. When I bring my fears before God, they lose their power to terrorize. Second, it teaches me about love. Love lasts beyond the prospect of death and cannot be ...
Tabor. Second Sunday of Great Lent. St. Gregory Palamas. God is Light Archpriest Alexander Shargunov Second Sunday of Great Lent. St. Gregory Palamas. God is Light Archpriest Alexander Shargunov On ...
WEBSITES and commentaries tell us that windstorms are common on the Sea of Galilee. The surrounding geography apparently creates wind funnels, as air is forced through a narrow space. But Luke is no ...
Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 5 this year. More: What will spring be like in ...
This year, the spring equinox falls on Thursday, March 20. Easter is Sunday, April 20. That's 69 days from Monday, Feb. 10. Lent, a 40-day period of prayer and fasting in Christian religions ...
Unlike other holidays, the date that Easter Sunday falls on changes year to year and with it the dates of Ash Wednesday, Lent and associated holidays such as Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday.
Welcome to our series of Lent and Easter reflections. The Reverend Mark Birch reflects on Peter’s denial of Jesus and how it is represented visually on the altar of the Lady Chapel with a crowing ...
Lent ends with Holy Week and Easter Sunday, an important day in the Christian calendar that honors the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion on the cross, per BBC.