Peter asked Jesus a question about forgiveness, he wanted to know how many times he should forgive someone who continually wronged him. Peter suggested it should be seven times, as this was seen ...
To show forgiveness is an act of love. Christianity teaches that forgiveness is very important. Jesus taught that we should forgive, and Christians try to follow the path of Jesus. Forgiveness ...
Discover why the death and resurrection of Jesus is the core of the Christian faith and the key to our salvation.
The pages hold many incredible stories that can help teach your child about forgiveness. There are stories about how Jesus Christ died on the cross for all sins, even the sins of the very people ...
Billy bought a python while he was in college. He named it Larry Bud. Larry Bud was well-fed and grew from 6 to 10 feet long. Billy’s mom told him that it could never come in the house.
The theft of a Christ figure from a Catholic cemetery in Rutland has parishioners praying for its return but also offering ...
The holy day recognizes when Jesus Christ was crucified and died on the cross at Calvary as the ultimate ... Is Good Friday a day of forgiveness? Good Friday marks the ultimate day of forgiveness ...
As of this past Sunday, liturgical churches have entered the Season of Advent. “Advent” means arrival or coming and the focus becomes the arrivals or comings of Jesus. One such coming is as a baby ...
And Jesus said to him ... "All things are possible for one who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" ...