After Remini’s show aired in 2017, Scientology set up a website to counter the claims made by former members about the Cadet Org. One of those on the website was Adeline Armstrong, Emily’s ...
They make these claims based on a memoir by ex-Scientologist Katherine Spallino, who was raised in the church at the same ...
Linkin Park's new singer Emily Armstrong is facing a religion backlash after deep dies to "hardcore" Scientology unveiled.
Emily Armstrong’s Scientology background revealed, sparking controversy over her role as Linkin Park’s new frontwoman.
Oasis isn’t the only band staging a buzzy reunion tour in 2025; Linkin Park is also hitting the road. Of course, this is nü ...
Emily Armstrong's ties to Scientology have sparked controversy since she was announced as Linkin Park's new lead singer.
Rock band Linkin Park’s new lead singer grew up in Scientology dorms for its most zealous followers’ children before becoming ...
A page from the undated 1999 issue of the Cadet Times, the magazine for the Church of Scientology's PAC Ranch Org., shows Emily Armstrong had made it into the organization's Cadet Org. The Canyon ...
Hi, I’m Emily,” Armstrong posted on her Instagram ... Masterson but also with her alleged links to the Church of Scientology. Armstrong’s association with Scientology was brought up by ...
See what he said and how it's playing out. Chrissie Bixler Calls Out Emily Armstrong's Scientology Ties Chrissie Bixler Calls Out Emily Armstrong's Scientology Ties Chrissie Carnell Bixler ...
Emily Armstrong attended a Scientology gala event with Cedric Bixler-Zavala in 2013 Armstrong did not address her ties to Scientology in her statement, and it is unclear whether she is still a member.