A mineral grain from a meteorite preserved evidence that water was present on Mars 4.45 billion years ago, and it may have ...
It had been blasted off from Mars's surface due to an impact from another celestial body between five million and 10 million ...
Was alien life in "hot water" on Mars billions of years ago? New evidence from the Martian meteorite "Black Beauty" suggests ...
Scientists have figured out a key part of Mars' history after examining a meteorite believed to date back 4.5 billion years.
A tiny grain from a Martian meteorite known as Black Beauty suggests Mars may have been capable of supporting life.
A zircon crystal from a Martian meteorite unlocks secrets of a water-rich, dynamic Mars 4.45 billion years ago.
"The emerging picture is that early Mars and Earth had something in common – both were wet. It is known from analysis of the ...
The Mars meteorite 'Black Beauty' suggests there used to be hot water on the Red Planet. Scientists have found what seems to be the oldest direct evidence of hot water flowing on Mars during its ...