With its iridescent green-black plumage and rosy belly, this unusual woodpecker often catches insects mid-air like a flycatcher. Lewis's Woodpecker stands out with its unique coloration. The bird has ...
This lively songster fills wetlands with its explosive call, often heard but rarely seen due to its secretive nature. The Cetti's Warbler is a small, compact bird with a rounded head and short, broad ...
Soaring majestically across vast landscapes, this powerful raptor commands the skies with its impressive wingspan and keen hunting skills. The Golden Eagle is a majestic raptor with dark brown plumage ...
A charming winter visitor that brings high-pitched honking sounds of the Arctic to wetlands across Europe. The Pink-footed Goose is characterised by its greyish-brown plumage, short pink bill with a ...
A master of both air and water, this agile diver plunges beneath Arctic waves in summer and graces coastal waters worldwide come winter. The Red-throated Loon is a sleek, medium-sized waterbird with ...