Disney's beloved animated classic Tangled is set to get a live-action makeover and Michael Gracey, known for The Greatest ...
We now have confirmation that Disney is moving forward with a live-action Tangled movie, and The Greatest Showman director Michael Gracey is in talks to take the ...
Disney's live-action remake efforts are targeting 2010's Tangled next, so you can officially start fan-casting now.
The Lion King to theaters this month, but that’s far from the only live-action adaptation in development. One of those ...
EXCLUSIVE: Ahead of the Christmas Day release of his experimental Robbie Williams biopic Better Man, Michael Gracey has ...
The population of the red ghost crab, a major tourist attraction in Bangladesh, is dwindling due to human activity.
It doesn't look like Disney is moving away from its live-action remakes any time soon, with Tangled being the latest film set ...
Things are starting to get hairy as Disney lands a director to lead its live-action adaptation of Tangled. Michael Gracey ...
It pains me to snark about this one because Tangled is my daughter’s favorite Disney movie, but like all things in life, a soulless live-action remake comes for us all. I’ve honestly only enjoyed two ...
A live-action 'Tangled movie is officially in the works at Disney. It was revealed that Michael Gracey, who directed 'The ...
Michael Gracey is in talks to direct the live-action "Tangled" movie. Neither a cast nor a release date has been announced.
A live-action 'Tangled' remake is in development at Disney with director Michael Gracey ('The Greatest Showman') in talks to ...